
Missions are an important way to share the good news of God’s saving love!  Through missions, we are able to provide earthly support to those in need, while also giving them the life-saving truth of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

Please click on the titles below to learn more about the missions our congregation supports.

WELS Kingdom Workers

Kingdom Workers exists to make disciples according to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.  To accomplish this purpose, Kingdom Workers will endeavor, under God,

  • to inform Christians of the needs and opportunities that exist in mission fields around the world;
  • to encourage Christians to become personally involved in mission work; and
  • to facilitate and coordinate volunteer efforts in mission fields.

“Go and make disciples of all nations.” Matthew 28:19.  Visit the website


Camp Basic – Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

For over 30 years now, Camp BASIC has been offering special people the opportunity to get together with fellow campers and have a lot of fun learning about Jesus.  During the second and third full weeks in June, campers and  counselors laugh, smile, hug, and grow.  It’s a wonderful amazing experience that cannot be expressed with pictures or with words.  We meet at a well furnished modern indoor camp  at Wyalusing State Park just south of Praire du Chien, Wisconsin, on top of the bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River.  For more information and to register for camp, visit their website at campbasic.com



Jesus Cares Ministry – Sparta, Wisconsin

Jesus Cares Ministries is an organization affiliated with WELS that assists congregations in reaching out to people with developmental disabilities, their families, and their  communities. Its programs include Bible studies, worship, and fellowship opportunities.

St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Onalaska, Wisconsin provides “Worship at the Cross” services the first Monday each month at 5:00PM.  For more information regarding the Jesus Cares program, please call Lisa Loersch at 781-9118; or visit St. Paul’s website.


New Life Resource Center – La Crosse,  Wisconsin

The NLRC works to assist women in the community who are in need of help for themselves and/or their families.  Assistance comes to them in the form of diapers, formula, children’s clothing, pregnancy counseling and support; and most importantly, all this is given along with God’s Word to help guide them spiritually.  The mission of NLRC is to offer God-pleasing counseling to help women make and maintain pro-life decisions and attitudes; and shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ with clients and their friends and families.

Want to help?  Donations of children’s items, personal care products and of course monetary donations are always appreciated.  Set up an appointment by calling 608.785.2377.

If you are interested in donating your time, please call 608.785.2377.

Visit us on the web at newliferesourcecenter.org


Central Africa Medical Mission – Malawi, AFRICA

The Central Africa Medical Mission began work in 1961 with the Lumano Lutheran Dispensary, currently known as the Mwembezhi Lutheran Rural Health Center, in Zambia. Now 50 years later, the medical mission has expanded to include the Lutheran Mobile Clinic in neighboring Malawi. The clinics of the Central Africa Medical Mission touched the lives of over 100,000 patients in 2010.
1 Peter 4:10 states, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” This ministry provides a unique opportunity for Christians to show God’s love by caring for the physical needs of our brothers and sisters in Africa. In 50 years, nearly 60 American nurses and administrators have traveled to Malawi and Zambia to directly work with national health care workers, church members, and missionaries to carry out the daily tasks of running the clinics. Thousands of dedicated believers have supported the work of the Central Africa Medical Mission by serving on committees, acting as liaisons, offering prayers, donating monetary or other gifts, and the list goes on.

The goodness of God’s grace is the powerful force guiding WELS men and women who have put their time, talents, and treasures into supporting the medical mission for the past 50 years.
